Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5, 2009 2:40 PM


This will probably be the second hardest post I will have to make, the hardest will come at a later date. The doctors have confirmed that Paula has classic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, a brain disease that is incurable. We are in the process of making arrangements to move my best friend of 36 years to a continuing care/hospice facility. The doctors are estimating that she will remain there for 3 to 6 months before she physically moves on to the great garden/skating rink in the next world.

I want to personally thank all of you for the love and support you have shown us during this very difficult time. It has been greatly appreciated. As someone said to me yesterday, no matter how this turns out Paula is going to be OK and I know that to be true.



  1. I am so sorry Jeff. Please let me know when and where to go visit.

  2. Jeff, I'm sitting here with tears rolling down my cheeks, wondering how on Earth a dynamic, energetic, remarkable person like Paula can be felled by such a disease.

    My heartfelt condolences go out to you and your family.

    Please give Paula's hand many squeezes from me and tell I her I thank her for all of the love and compassion she has provided to the SCKR rescues. There will always be a special place for her in my heart.

    Cindi Cotton

  3. I am so sorry Jeff - Sending you guys much love from the bottom of my heart.
    - Sharidan

  4. Jeff,

    I don't know what to say. Paula is a dynamic, amazing woman. We are all lucky to know her. My thoughts are with you.

  5. Jeff, you don't know me, but Paula is an icon in the skating community and is one of the first people I met at Adult Nationals. She and I found we had many things in common: skating, gardening, rescue dogs. We bonded a couple of years ago in Oberstdorf, where we competed against each other. She is a crazy, energetic person. I hope it helps to know there are so many of us out here who care.
    Cindy Crouse

  6. I am so sorry to hear this. I have not seen Paula for a while. I have always admired her skating. My thoughts are with you.

  7. I was a very young skater when I knew Paula, but now, years later, I still vividly remember her. Now I'm a medical student and can only imagine how trying a time this must be for you. My thoughts are with you both. ~Tracy

  8. Soooo sorry!!!!! Paula is a pioneer for us and a great mentor!! Thank you so much for all you are doing for her! What a shock......

  9. I just want to let you know that I sent out an email to some of my closest friends informing them of your wife's condition.
    We are all praying for you guys!

  10. I'm so sorry and saddened to hear about Paula.
    I first met Paula skating here in Phoenix, many years ago. I admired her beautiful skating! I remember she was so kind to help me during the skating session. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to Paula, you and your family.

  11. Paula has done so much for adult figure skating and the impact her life has had, no matter how long it may be, is immeasurable and universal.

    she is loved and respected and that will never change.

    my heart and prayers and love go out to you, as i'm sure the skating families' do as well.


  12. Before I met Paula I knew about her work with the USFSA. She was larger than life. Then I met the real Paula! She wasn't so large! But that little lady could make things happen. She has been so much to every adult skater and that's only one aspect of her life in which she has moved and shaken. She is an amazing human being. We are all shocked an saddened by the news of her ilness. Judy & Chuck Wright

  13. Jeff we have only known you and Paula for a short time but in that time you both have touch our lives. The first time we danced with you in a square we were impress with Paula and all her bouncy energy. Just know that we are here for you.
    Jeanie & Mel
